By the six-axis NC filament winding machine, the conical vessel is produced and received satisfaction from winding pattern. 通过六维数控缠绕机缠绕出锥形壳体,获得比较满意的缠绕线型。
This paper mainly describes functions and the consist of the CADWIND, by CADWIND software, NC winding program is realized for the conical vessel. 本文主要介绍CADWIND软件的组成及功能并用该软件实现锥形壳体的缠绕编程。
Determination of the Reinforcement at the Conjunction Between the Small End of the Non-Fold Conical Shell of a Pressure Vessel and Its Cylinder 压力容器无折边锥壳小端与圆筒体连接处加强的判定
Fermentation in conical vessel bioreactor to produce immobilized yeast for beer 固定化酵母锥形罐式生物反应器发酵生产啤酒的研究
The blood flow in a conical blood vessel 锥形血管中的血液流动
The relationships between separation of paddy rice and the rotating speed of conical vessel, the filling rate, the rotating period, the inclined angle of the shaft, the vessel inner surface condition were discussed. 讨论了锥筒的回转速度、填充率、回转时间、轴线倾角、内表面状态等因素对稻谷和糙米产生偏析和分离的关系。